Friday, May 23, 2014

The Statuary Cats by Bart Stewart (Book Review)

I'm not doing a spoiler because I think this is a book people need to read for themselves.
Yes, it's a book review, I thought I was done with them for good.

Loved these stories! It was easy to read and very hard to put down. The stories flowed well and the convenience of the trilogy is amazing. You always want to keep reading more about these intricate and fascinating creatures. I've never read, seen, or heard about anything quite like them. It was so refreshing to read about a new kind of 'monster', and not the usual vampires and were wolves.
The character development was very detailed, but not overly. There were never moments where I felt like the story lulled. There were times I was surprised, which is hard to do, but it all made sense. It's a great read for almost anyone. It was also refreshing to read a suspenseful book that isn't full of unnecessary bad language.
It's an incredibly well written and fascinating story. I hope to see more creatures like this.

Purchase it Here: ---> Click Me To Buy

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