Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Birds (1963) Review

I first watched this movie in my freshman English class.  I was so excited to be able to watch a horror movie during class and not have to be worried to be called on for an answer.  This movie did not disappoint me!  Never before was I happy to have an 85 minute long class.

The special effects were pretty good, there were some freaky and impressive looking props/bodies.  The thing I love about movies in this time period and especially from Hitchcock, is the suspense.  This movie is a great example of how to perfectly blend gore/shock and suspense. He seems to know when to let your imagination wander before he decides to feed your curiosity.

Other things I loved about this movie was the creep factor that stays with you.  If you go outside right after, and see flocks of birds, you start to think about the what if's.  I also love the dresses Tippi Hedren wears.  I also love the scene where she's on the boat and her hair does not move at all.


I haven't watched this movie in a few years because I'm limited to Hulu Plus, Netflix, and Red Box.  Sadly they don't have many old school classic horror movies like this.  So I didn't do a summary because I would have skipped a lot of bits here and there.

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