Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Devil Inside Review


I love Exorcism movies.  I also love documentary type horror.  So at some points this movie was really enjoyable.  I loved the concept that the Vatican was letting some possessions slip through the cracks and that there's a rogue pair of priests performing exorcisms behind the Church's back.  There are some really creepy scenes like where the people that are possessed do weird demonic like things and bend and break their bodies.  I thought those scenes were done quite well.

The thing I didn't like was how the movie's focus changed 3/4's of the way in.  It started out focusing on Maria Rossi, the main character's mom.  It was Isabella Rossi's film about her mom's possession and exorcism.  Then after they performed her exorcism (which didn't work) it focuses on how the demon is going to different people.  In the end they all die and all but one from the main group was possessed at some point.  The ending seem rushed and a separate  movie from the rest of the film.

Is it Scary?  It shouldn't be..

Do bodies move in weird impossible angles?  Oh yeah.

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